Your donation to The Ukrainian Museum is a testament to your trust in our mission to collect, preserve, and display objects of artistic or historic merit relating to Ukrainian life and culture. The Museum also fulfills its mission through its educational programs, scholarly research, and publications.
As a non-profit institution, The Ukrainian Museum relies on contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations to develop innovative exhibitions and programs that make Ukrainian art and culture available and accessible to audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Gifts at every level make a difference and are 100% tax-deductible. We are very grateful for your trust and support!
Establish Endowment or Memorial Funds
Endowment and Memorial Funds represent the Museum’s fiscal base and maintain a solid structure of financial security for the future. The principal in each fund remains intact, while the interest can provide capital for operating expenses or current projects at the discretion of the fund sponsors.
Establishing Endowment or Memorial Funds at The Ukrainian Museum benefits both the sponsors of the funds and the Museum. Fund sponsors link their names or the names of their loved ones with the Museum in perpetuity. Their generous gifts are a gesture of trust in the Museum and in the future of the community. In turn, the funds help the Museum establish a more secure foothold to continue its work for the benefit of future generations.
Include the Museum in Planned Giving
To continue supporting the Museum, please consider planned giving opportunities, all of which can be tailored to meet your specific financial and estate-planning needs. For example:
- Gifting real estate
- Remembering the Museum in your will
- Making the Museum a beneficiary of your IRA or life insurance policy
Support the Museum in Other Ways
There are numerous ways to support The Ukrainian Museum:
- Become a member of the Museum
- Make an outright donation
- Donate securities
- Donate in lieu of flowers
- Donate in lieu of birthday, anniversary, or other gifts
- If your place of business has a Matching Gift program, use it to have your gift matched
- Volunteer your time and expertise
For more information, please contact the Museum at 212 228 0110 or info@ukrainianmuseum.org.
Thank you for your support and for being a friend of the Museum!

Programs and exhibitions are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
SAFE Sponsor:

Financial Sponsor:

Decolonization Roundtable Events Sponsor: